You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 7, 2006.

Mister Bubby makes the transition from religious school to secular school

Mister Bubby:  Mommy, a boy in my class didn’t have a good day at kindergarten.

Giraffemom:  Oh?  What happened?

MB:  He just didn’t listen very well.

GM:  Well, you should be a good example for him, and maybe he’ll do better next time.

MB:  Or I could pray for him.

GM:  True.

Princess Zurg hearts the third grade

Princess Zurg:  Guess what.  We’re going to do a play at school in February.  Guess what it’s about.GM:  I don’t know.  What’s it about?

PZ:  America.  And maybe I’m going to play the Liberty Lady.

GM:  Really?

PZ:  Yeah.  I’m going to be the Liberty Lady, and I’m going to dress up in a fancy costume.  I’ll wear a beautiful dress, and bling, and everything!

Several of you commented on yesterday’s post about modest clothing for girls that you didn’t like the trend of putting words on people’s rear ends.  I’ve never liked this trend either, as it does little to promote literacy.  But it reminds me that a few months ago I saw a woman in the Target parking lot who appeared to be in her late thirties, wearing a pair of pants with the words Juicy Bling on the backside.  I’m not sure what “juicy bling” is supposed to be, but I didn’t think it was the most dignified expression to scrawl across one’s buttocks, regardless of the circumstances.  Also, though I am not in the habit of assessing others’ glutei maxima, or however the Romans said it, circumstances being what they were, I can tell you that in reference to this woman’s caboose, one might have said that there was not enough junk in her trunk, as it were, to merit such a bold statement as was emblazoned on the bottom in question.  Whatever it was supposed to mean.  I, gentle readers, do not claim to know.My husband, though, is undoubtedly thrilled that I just used the phrase “junk in her trunk.”

Speaking of Target, though, I am beginning to suspect that this retail establishment has been selling me enchanted merchandise.  Over the last several months, our household has purchased several items which subsequently went “missing,” often immediately upon our arrival at home.  First, it was the Thomas the Tank Engine Lego set we bought for Elvis at Christmas.  Gone.  Had to be replaced December 23.  Still haven’t found the original.  Then it was the bike helmet we bought for Elvis.  Hasn’t turned up, after several weeks.  And now it is the industrial-size bottle of Cascade dishwasher detergent, which I only buy because it is the one dishwasher detergent on the market that sports an Elvis-proof cap.  Is anyone else noticing a pattern here?  Darn that Target and its bewitchments!

Happy Thursday to you and yours.


September 2006

A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth

Shut the door!

The intersection of LDS discipleship and conscious citizenship

Beserker Life

Feed the fish...walk the blog.

The Two Boys Club

If strangers can tell you've got your hands full, you've found a new home on the Web.

This is the Corner We Pee In

Bulletins from the Parenting Trenches...

Miss Order

If you can't be a Good Example, you'll just have to be a Horrible Warning.


The Life and Times of Me

Transvestite Rabbit

Not what you expected

Alison Wonderland

Rantings and ravings about the kids, work, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

TheWoobDog's Weblog

(Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell...)

By the lbs

nutty goodness in bulk or by the pound

Bored Bunny

Seen any field mice lately?

By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

The greatest Mormon blog in the universe.


further down the journey of a greener family

Dandelion Mama

A Memoir From the Trenches is the best place for your personal blog or business site.