You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 11, 2010.

I was just talking to a friend on the phone while my daughter was vehemently requesting a screening of Barney at the Farm. After a few moments of intense chaos, I apologized to my friend: “I’m sorry–I was having some confusion with the phone and the VCR.” She pointed out that there is a most unfortunate gap between modern women’s needs and the current technology. We obviously need a universal remote that is both phone and VCR/DVD player.

“And toaster,” I said. “The toast must be tended to as well.”

“And curling iron,” said my friend.

“And blow dryer,” said I.

One could go on and on, but one thing’s for sure: we would not call it the iPad. Because that name is already taken.

What do you want on your iToaster?

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February 2010

A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth

Shut the door!

The intersection of LDS discipleship and conscious citizenship

Beserker Life

Feed the fish...walk the blog.

The Two Boys Club

If strangers can tell you've got your hands full, you've found a new home on the Web.

This is the Corner We Pee In

Bulletins from the Parenting Trenches...

Miss Order

If you can't be a Good Example, you'll just have to be a Horrible Warning.


The Life and Times of Me

Transvestite Rabbit

Not what you expected

Alison Wonderland

Rantings and ravings about the kids, work, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

TheWoobDog's Weblog

(Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell...)

By the lbs

nutty goodness in bulk or by the pound

Bored Bunny

Seen any field mice lately?

By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

The greatest Mormon blog in the universe.


further down the journey of a greener family

Dandelion Mama

A Memoir From the Trenches is the best place for your personal blog or business site.